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Do Women Take on Too Much?

Discussion in 'Health & Wellbeing' started by Tink, Mar 22, 2007.

  1. Tink

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    I'm asking this question because I feel like I've been spread a little too thin lately. The reason I'm here posting today is because I took a personal day off from everything.

    I'm the mother of four children. Two are in college and two are home. Needless to say their schedules keep me pretty busy. (All four are very active in school activities and sports) I have my own interior decorating business. Some weeks are chaotic while other weeks are slow. About a year ago I started working PT in my husband's office because they are understaffed in their billing department. What started out as two days a week has somehow morphed into 4-5 days a week. Add to that the cooking and cleaning and whatever else it takes to keep a "house" running smoothly.

    Time just seems to flying by me WAY too fast.

    Why do so many women end up in this situation? Why are WE the ones who always seem to stretch our time to the point where everything else is more important than us? I look at what my husband does in a week and compare it to what I do in a week and wonder why/how things are so unbalanced.

    What do you do when you spend time on yourself? What de-stresses you and helps you take time to smell the roses?
  2. troi

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    i think women do so much more than men because of the multi task just can't keep track when they have multiple things that need done..i mean how many times do you know that a man has gone say shopping has had to go to a few different shops and has come home without something he was supposed to get..

    men just can't cope the same way women can
  3. Trishee

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    I do think we do too much... and I think it is both our fault and societies. The common portrayal on TV, in books, and in general is that we should be able to do it all. It just takes the right planning and we need to be efficient.
    Personally that is bunk... I am an anal retentive schedule freak.. and I cant do it all!!!! And then I feel guilty when I 'fail' to meet my high standards. I am soo lucky to have an understanding and willing-to-help hubby.
    I know that men think different... but we are all subject to what we are told to some extent. I think that it is hard for many men to just jump in with the household stuff. I know my hubby told me it was almost like trespassing... and he still puts things in the wrong spot when unloading the dish rack. Sometimes it is almost easier for me to just do it, but that ruins the help that he is trying to do.
    I just had a birthday and when shopping... I felt bad the whole time lmao. Kevin is capable of watching the boy... but I am now programmed to be in Mommy mode all the time.. I did not know how to switch it off!
    But as to the last questions... I do little home spa stuff... do my nails, face goo, you name it. It is not to expensive, and does not take long, but it helps me not feel like a mom so much, and more like just a woman.
  4. Tink

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    I agree with you Trishee. Most of us constantly compare ourselves with others OR place such high expectations on ourselves.

    SO true! I know some women that complain that their husbands don't help and then they complain when he DOES help that he doesn't "do it " right!

    I can be a perfectionist and I had to learn to take a deep and swallow when someone else does something for me. I tell myself repeatedly that it doesn't matter if the clothes are folded exactly the way *I* want them to be folded. And ya know what.....the sun still rose the next day! Life went on as normal! There was no major catastrophe because *my* standards weren't met!

    I used to do the same thing! LOL You just gave me a blast from my past! I would rush rush rush instead of enjoying some quiet time because I thought, "The baby needs me!"

    I prefer to do those things myself too. I have "issues" with strangers touching me, but that's a whole 'nother thread! LOL

    But you are right. It feels good to pamper myself. Makes me feel "Goddess-like"! :-D
  5. tjr

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    i think we take on to much i find myself trying to please everyone but myself sometimes i just want to shout and scream:biggrin:
  6. Starmist

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    Yes, of course, seems to go with the territory. First turn off all phones. Then, find a room with only one entrance put a sign on it threatening murder and assorted mayhem to anyone (except dogs) who violates your privacy. Put on some soft background music (I use the television music channels), load a tray with suitably off diet snacks, remove any tight garments and put on a shabby/comfy robe, select a hysterical book for company and veg out for the day, napping as needed.
  7. Tink

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    That sounds like a plan to me! :bed: