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Love Notes

Discussion in 'Sex, Love and Romance' started by Lynne, Jan 8, 2009.

  1. Lynne

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    Love Notes

    Keeping romance alive:

    Leave him/her love notes - it could be little poems, quotes from books or your own words.

    Place them in places he/she wouldn't expect - on the dashboard of the car, in a lunch box, in a pocket as they go out the door. If you're out of the house first put one on the bathroom mirror.

    Keep the notes and put them in a box then bring them out one cold winter night and read them. You never know where that will lead ....

    What do you do to keep romance alive?


  2. Starmist

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    Just wish I had one to keep alive!
  3. Tegan

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    I had to think about this for a moment because I am so blessed that almost 3 years later, we don't have to try to keep romance alive, it just IS.
  4. Trishee

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    We have little ones... so we have to schedule time together. It is not the best for spontaneity, but if we want to stay close, keep romance and just plain ole communication alive, we have to set a time. Hard to be close to someone you rarely talk to, no matter how sessy they are :)

    We are looking to do at least a once a month date.. so freaking hard right now to work around everyone's schedule, but when everything settles, we want to do an actual date- not the at home kind lol.

    When Kevin has to go out of town, I send one of my jammy tops with my perfume on it. He told me once he can't sleep without that smell now lol. So sweet :D

    And time... away. From each other. That helps me and him appreciate the us, as well as the not us- we were in very close quarters for the last few months, and it was not good for the relationship. Too much of a good thing perhaps? It is easier to be romantic when you are not annoyed about shoes in the middle of the floor or a cupboard left open.

    I also try to do nice things, just for the sake of doing the nice thing. When I am rubbing his back, or making him a cup of tea, because I want to, I feel more romantically inclined :D