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Chris Benoit

Discussion in 'Music' started by Trishee, Jul 3, 2007.

  1. Trishee

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    I don't know if any of you watch WWE... wrestling, but icon Chris Benoit was found dead in his home on the 26th of June.

    There is speculation that he killed his wife, Nancy, and his young son over the weekend (wife on Saturday, son on Sunday), left Bibles by their bodies, then took his own life on Monday.

    I am having trouble with this. It may be partially due to the fact that Benoit was one of my favorites, but I am just not seeing how all the pieces add up... so I thought I would share, and you can all tell me I am a loon. I think I am searching logical explanations in such an illogical situation

    Right now they are blaming the tragedy on steroids... 'roid rage. He had tested clean in April. Almost everything I have researched about 'roid rage is explosive, not planned out like this appears to be. I understand that i
    t depends on the 'roid and the person who's using it. Steroids-induced rage takes many forms, but in general, it's characterized by mania, mood swings, impatience, paranoia, and uncontrollable aggression. Sometimes the performance-enhancing drugs also cause psychosis, depression, or suicidal thoughts; other times they actually relieve depression. The specific psychological effects depend on the type of drug, its dosage, and the method of administration, as well as the individual brain chemistry of the user. 'Roid rage can come in short outbursts, cyclical bouts, or a long-lasting period of psychosis. These problems can be temporary, or they can recur for almost a year after a long-lasting oil-based injection, but it is not common.

    The way the bodies were found, the placement, suggest a methodical, calm plan. Not a moment of blind rage.

    13 hours before anyone knew they had all passed on there was a message on wikipedia that Benoit had missed the weekends matches due to the 'passing of his wife'.

    A week to the day before Nancy was found, Sheri Martel was found dead... under suspicious circumstances. The two are connected by Kevin Sullivan, Nancy's ex and friend/booker to Sheri.

    There were odd texts sent to Benoit's friends during the weekend, causing them to alert WWE officials.

    This is all circumstantial, but I think that there is enough to not just assume that this was a drug induced homicide/ suicide. I truly feel there is enough... just enough to have doubt.

    If Benoit did kill his family, it breaks my heart. I think that if any steroids are found in his system, the police will pat themselves on the back for a job well done.

    All my intuition is screaming that there is more to this. And I have nothing but bits of fluff and circumstance to base it on. It is bugging me something fierce and I think we will never know the whole story.

  2. Tegan

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    "Roid Rage" is explosive yes, which could explain the death of his wife. Reportedly, they frequently argued, she even has taken out restraining orders against Chris. "Roid Rage" is also accompanied by severe depression. Perhaps after he killed his wife and sat there thinking about it he decided he could not care for his son without her and in his deranged mind decided his son would be better off dead. After that horrible deed was done Chris decided, again after thinking about it and perhaps somewhat coming to his senses, that he was so horrible for what he had done that he had to commit suicide. I'd be extremely surprised if the autopsy shows no steriods. His doctor is now being charged for excessive perscribing and the Feds have released a statement saying Chris' steriod purchases were extensive. Is this just a case of Roid's Rage.....doubtful, nothing is quite that simple is it? :) Just a thought.

    As far as the death of Sheri Martel......the statement I read was that although her death was not of natural causes, it was NOT suspicious. As to the connection, well, the wrestling world is small so it's not strange for the "players" to have very familiar connections.

    But, the Wikipedia entry is strange. Even though I don't believe in coincidences I did have a similar experience. My divorce court date was being postponed again and I said to my lawyer it better be because the other attorney was in the hospital with a life threatening illness. Turns out he was in Cedar Mount Sinai Hospital undergoing triple bypass surgery after a massive heart attack LOL. Yea, I felt a tiny bit bad.