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It is written

Discussion in 'Humour : Jokes : Quizzes' started by Johnnyny, Jun 25, 2008.

  1. Johnnyny

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    It Is Written...
    During his sermon one Sunday, the local preacher told his congregation that the entire
    range of human experience could be found in the Bible.
    He confidently stated: "If anything can happen to humans, it is described somewhere in
    the Bible."
    After the service, a woman came up to the preacher and said: "Reverend, I don't think
    the Bible mentions anything about PMS."
    The preacher told the woman he was certain he could find a reference to PMS somewhere in
    During the following week, he searched diligently, book-by-book, chapter-by-chapter, and
    On the following Sunday, the woman came up to him and asked, "Did you find any
    references to PMS in the Bible?"
    The preacher smiled, opened his Bible, and began to read: "...and Mary rode Joseph's ass
    all the way to Bethlehem."