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Just for fun: Let's write a story

Discussion in 'The Tea Room' started by Lynne, Sep 12, 2007.

  1. Lynne

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    Let's write a story

    Please use the "quote" button for all your replies or the story will get broken up and be unreadable. Not that that won't happen anyway LOL!

    Ok I'll write the opening then you guys quote my entry and add your own part of the story.
  2. Lynne

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    Things that go bump in the night

    What was I thinking? It was almost midnight and I'd decided to walk home through the Whispering Woods. The trees touched overhead reminding me that as a child my mother would tell me that this was "hobgoblin land".

    I approached a clearing, brightly lit by the full moon, and what do you think I saw? A LARGE......