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PPD- Are you savvy?

Discussion in 'Health & Wellbeing' started by Trishee, Nov 6, 2007.

  1. Trishee

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    PPD stand for post partum depression. When I had our first son, sad to say, I thought that mothers were exaggerating the extent it can affect them. I no longer feel this way!

    When we had Xander, our second boy, I was hit with PPD. While I am not at drowning baby level, I can understand how that happens now. Between the lack of sleep and the hormonal highs and lows, it has been taking everything I have to make it through the day.

    I am grateful that I have someone as supportive as Kevin, because I do not truly think I would have been able to survive without his strength. I would not count myself as a weak person, but this has truly brought me to my knees.

    If you have someone who has or may be going through this... arm yourself with knowledge. Because that is the best way to deal with it. I found out what I needed to tell my doctor, which was humbling in its own right. I am thankful I have an OBGYN who listened, and did not discount me, or what I wanted to do to take care of myself.

    I chose the herbal route. That meant I needed to stop breastfeeding. While they say only trace amounts enter the breastmilk, I was not comfortable with even that much. I struggled with that... but it is better to have a formula fed baby who has a sane mom, then breastfeed, not take medication and go whacko!

    I am not posting this to whine, but rather to let people know that it truly happens, and if happens to a loved one, they need your support. Read up before offering 'advice'. And don't ignore it... it will not just go away. Without taking action PPD can last (and this is documented) five years or more... the case I read was seven years!

    Anywho... Ima shoosh, and hope to be on here more.
  2. Starmist

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    I, and I'm sure others, will be sending you lots of coping energy. Thats all I can send besides sympathy which is worth about what you pay for it.
  3. Tegan

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    I'm too far away to anything tangible for you, but know that I would if I could. I can say that I've been there done that and it's no fun. Support is the most important thing, knowing that you're not alone and that you are loved are very important too, and you have both.

    You are doing great, you recognize what is happening and are taking steps to deal with it. You are a wonderful, strong woman and you will beat this. You're a wonderful, loving Mom and wife and your boys know this and love you for it. You've gone thru so much in the last year or so, what you are feeling, this PPD, is normal, you are having a normal reaction to everything, you're not losing it.

    Call me day or night! (((((Trishee))))
  4. Tink

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    Hi Trishee,

    I hope you're feeling better soon. A good friend of mine had a horrible time with PPD. I'm not sure if it's true or not, but her doctor said that breastfeeding can contribute to the rollercoaster hormone levels.

    I went through a serious depression after the birth of my first son. I'm not sure if it was all related to PPD because I also had a lot of stress from outside sources. But thankfully I survived without causing serious harm to myself.

    It's so nice to hear how supportive Kevin has been. When I look back at photos of myself during the time, I find it hard to believe that no one asked how I was coping or stepped in to help. It is so blatantly obvious that I was in bad shape.

    ((((((Trishee & family)))))))
  5. Trishee

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    I am actually doing better. I know in my area of the world, it is not talked about. Or it is, but is not personalized... and that means it is not taken seriously. Because people, myself included before this, think that it can't happen to them.

    I am on St. John's Wort. While I am not a doctor, and can't truly recommend a particular therapy, this worked very well for me so far. That and my hubby, and all of the support I have gotten. Thank you soo much !
  6. Tegan

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  7. Trishee

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    It is true that it can affect PPD... sometimes for the better, sometimes making it worse. Odd, but true lol. I actually stopped breastfeeding because of the medication. There can be trace amounts in the milk, and I would rather not risk it.

    PPD is made worse by outside sources. Lack of sleep, poor habits (which happens when one is taking care of a baby... like getting a shower once a week lol) , even poor diet contributes to the severity.

    People dont realize it can occur after a miscarriage. That there is a difference between baby blues, PPD and PPP(post partum psychosis)

    I am putting a link that helped me, and might help others.